One size doesn’t fit all, contact manufacturers with a manufacturing database from Databroker

Databroker has just come across a fantastic UK Manufacturing database which has the details of over 180,000 manufacturing contacts. This data comes from a niche supplier who specialises in researching and gathering manufacturing contacts.

Data is carefully compiled and covers everything from what products they manufacture and how they are manufacturing them, to specialised job functions within each company and the number of qualified staff. Such meticulous attention to detail, expertise and knowledge of the UK manufacturing sector is second to none, so you know that the quality of this manufacturing database will be top notch.


Harness the Experience of a List Broker

More and more often clients are looking for quality not quantity. Specific data sets that suit their target market.

As a list broker, Databroker has access to a vast array of data sets: B2B data, email data, niche business data. This manufacturing database is just one of the many specialist, niche datasets Databroker has access to. For more information or to contact manufacturers with this amazing manufacturing database, contact Databroker today 0161 941 5700 or