Databroker matchmaking: The perfect list for your audience.

Over the years we've used many analogies to describe the role of a list broker. As it's Valentine's Day today, I want to present Databroker as the matchmaker. Think of us as the of the data world!

One of the biggest mistakes made in our sector is pigeon-holing a list to suit an audience. This happens because the focus is placed on using maximum budget, hitting sales targets and quick wins, rather than seeing the bigger picture. If the audience and the list are not well-matched, the relationship will not get past first base.

Databroker’s matchmaking service works differently. Click here to find out more about Our Approach.

Our primary focus is your data brief. Tell us your data brief by filling out our detailed Quote Form.

We always want to understand your audience in fine detail. That allows us to find you the perfect date. We have 100s of approved list providers who we can approach, who all have their own pros and cons.

Like what you see? The right list is out there waiting for you. Let Databroker match you up!

Contact us today.