Annual marketing data contracts

The question of data contracts comes up fairly regularly when we're talking with existing and prospective clients, with many data companies offering near-unbelievable discounts for signing annual supply contracts.

I was chatting with a client the other day about the pros and cons of such a deal, he had just come out of a contract and said he wouldn't be renewing. He said the ease of having marketing data on tap was great, but he couldn't get access to suitable niche files, specialist counts and therefore his sales team were missing out on opportunities in their outbound efforts. I mean, imagine me decreeing to Mrs. Databroker that I've signed a contract for the food shopping for the next twelve months with our local 24-hour convenience store - she'd hit the roof!

Admittedly, some days the contract would work perfectly, if we just needed the essentials for a meal, they'd always be available and at a reduced price, fantastic. But come Sunday, Mrs. Databroker expects golden standard cuisine. Last weekend was a shoulder of lamb, slow-roasted but if we'd have been buying on the food contract, it would have been ready-cooked microwaveable lamb stew. You ask Mrs. Databroker, microwave meals are not an acceptable Sunday dinner option! Marketing Data contracts have similar pitfalls, in that there is no list which can satisfy all of your needs across a whole year.

That is where Databroker comes in to play. Because we work on a brief-to-brief basis with our clients, we will always source a list which matches the brief, rather than having to offer an unsuitable option. Take note people, this is the benefit of a data broker.

So, what's it to be? If you fancy micro-waved lamb stew for dinner each Sunday, you know where your local convenience store is. If you're more of a Rack of Lamb, Slow Cooked Pork Belly and Chateaubriand kind of guy, firstly you have excellent taste, secondly, you need a reliable Data Broker to help with your list needs.

Health Warning: Buying great data from Databroker may result in an expanding waistline. Our data recommendations result in more sales leads from your company and increased profits, which you can then spend on great food! For more food and data chit chat call 0161 941 5700 or email